

Books For Sale

* The Guardian

* They Ain’t Richer Than Us

* A Journey of Grief

* The Wife’s Personal Victory Guide



They Ain’t Richer Than Us!

For African-American Christians Only


By Myrna Roberts


This is a serious book written for serious people.  Its not for the faint of heart.  This book  is hard-hitting and opinionated but truthful.  It is written in the Ebonics vernacular of the Royalty of African Descent in America (RADA).  I Ain't Playing This Time Yall.  I said what I meant and I meant what I said!

Myrna Roberts



"They Ain't Richer Than Us!  has and continues to bless me. The awesomeness of the book and the ability to make the statement propels me to places of freedom that would normally take a lengthy journey. The journey becomes seismic and quickened, when I hear or say They Ain't Richer Than Us.  Thank you for the work you do."  

 Renea King, MSW